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Jewish, Catholic and Christian tours are a specialty of our company. We have been providing religious tours with Israeli tour operators in Israel since 1983. We invite clergy of any denomination to travel to Israel to experience the Holy Land repeatedly by participating on a familiarization winter tour.
Returning home, and recanting their experience of this tour, will motivate and inspire congregations to travel with them in the future. We assist with personalized brochures, etc, once the congregation dates are reserved, and deposits made.

All tours are led by the most educated tour guides, men and women, who served three years in a specialty tour guiding school similar to a college. Tours may be conducted in a group where English/Spanish or other languages can be requested. Private groups available and encouraged for a more customized spiritual journey.

Excursions are available from cruise ships docking in Haifa and arranged to visit Acco, down to Tel Aviv and/or Jerusalem or customized for a specific site visit. Overnight accommodations can be easily arranged.

Incentive groups and site inspections are invited.

Once you have been to Israel, the Holy Land, your spiritual journey will return you home a more inspired and committed person. You will want to return often.

Travel Trackers Israel

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